Membership in PVCA is a great way to belong to a unique and special group in this beautiful valley and your participation is welcome and encouraged. Whether you’ve been a member for years or are brand new to the area,
please renew or join to stay connected to the vital watershed conservation and education that is happening around you.
Benefits of Membership:
Members have voting rights on organizational matters and the ability to further impact the future of the organization. In addition to staying in touch through eBlasts and print newsletters, members are directly supporting the mission-based work of PVCA as well as showing their support in the community for conservation. We also hope you have that warm feeling that comes with conserving the local watershed and supporting a worthwhile cause…
When to Renew
PVCA is encouraging members to consider renewing in the first quarter of each year, regardless of when your current membership expires. You are still welcome to join anytime! However, calendar year based membership
helps you as a member remember that its time to renew when the new year begins, and allows PVCA to plan for the upcoming year with the support of the members.
Please consider renewing now!
In addition to residents of Penns and Brush Valleys, members come from all over the country. They include hunters and fisherfolk, bird watchers and native plant enthusiasts, farmers, local business owners, valley residents, and visitors to the region – all brought together by a love of this place.
Business Membership – More Great Benefits!
We highly encourage businesses to become PVCA members, as well as sponsors, and be involved as a voting member in the direction and decisions of the future of the organization. Sponsorship and Membership go hand in hand!
Individual Membership
Adult residents of the same household should purchase separate memberships.
Business Membership
Business supporters are defined as an activity or enterprise entered into for profit.
Organization Membership
Organization supporters are defined as clubs or community groups, non-profits, etc.
PVCA holds public membership meetings annually in the Spring and Fall. Visit our
calendar for dates and details.